There are many reasons why incorporating your company is beneficial to you. As a corporation you have limited liability for business risks, you can use your corporation to save tax, incorporated businesses generally have a better “image” than unincorporated businesses. There are many more reasons why incorporating your business will overall prove to be more financially beneficial for you!
April 30 is the due date for personal tax return Corporate tax returns are due six months after your fiscal year end The end of February is the reporting deadline for T4’s and T5’s
In the event you file late, you are subject to fines and penalties based on how late and whether you owe anything to the CRA. Having an accountant can help you avoid unnecessary fines and penalties and keep your taxes and books up to date!
An accountant ensures that you or your company is completing their due diligence towards the CRA. We ensure that you are receiving the tax breaks you deserve and that your forms and payments are completed and sent in on time. Accountants are helpful in ensuring that your company is running smoothly financially and are a great resource when it comes to business operations and ensuring profitability of your company.
Maintaining books of your accounts on an accrual basis is necessary in the event of an audit. Companies are always required to keep their books for inspections on the premises. This helps avoid any penalties or fines.
A CPA or Chartered Professional Accountants are professionals with training in accounting and managerial skills. They play key roles within the economy including but not limited to: industry, public accounting, education and government. CPA’s can provide their clientele with start up counselling, business valuations, business planning, financial projections, assurance and much more.
Anoop Agarwal Professional Corporation provides a wide range of services for personal and professional accounting. Please see our list of services on the main page.
Anoop Agarwal Professional Corporation has been around for over 20 years. In this time, we have developed a diverse client base that has allowed us to work within a broad range of industries. Our expertise in both personal and professional accounting ensures that you are receiving the best service available. Contact us today to see how we can help you grow your financial future!
We offer a wide variety of services including book keeping, payroll, CRA compliance, financial statement auditing and many more. These services can help you pinpoint where your company may be lacking in terms of financial stability. Our experienced team can help you prioritize your expenses and stream line your operations so you see more profit over time.
Financial statements are a photograph of a company’s inner workings. They help us evaluate the financial position of an individual or company and allow us to show you where you can improve. Improvement in your financial position greatly impacts your personal and professional life. Allow us to help you grow!